This elegant globe bar will entertain your guests as well as lend any room an elegant vintage look. It's map provides a faithful reproduction of cartographic information from the 16th century.
The hinged globe contains a spacious beverage compartment for around 4 bottles and 12 glasses. Additional bottles can be stored on the lower shelf, which is decorated with natural water-based paints. Open or closed, the globe rotates around its meridian. Thanks to castors, the globe can be moved easily.
In the sitting room, entrance hall, drawing room, or any other room you can imagine, the Calipso globe bar impresses with its classic elegance combined with vintage details.
The full charm of antique maps is found in this new reproduction of a map from 1500. This era marked the “Golden Age of Cartography” and is associated with the names of famous cartographers like Martin Waldeseemüller, Piri Reis, Gemma Rainer Frisius and Gerhard Mercator.
This map is full of geographical references which conform to the knowledge of the time. The inside of the globe is finely decorated with old iconography and mythological characters from the celestial sphere.
Similar image: Decorative items not included
The globe is manufactured from very stable, high-quality paper fibre. This natural product is very lightweight, visually pleasing and helps to protect the environment!